he     ingo    ages


Cheats + Codes

Cracks + Patches


Final Fantasy 8



Playstation Game Covers



Red Dwarf


The Sims

Crucified TellyTubbies



Newcastle United


The Matrix

In these pages you will find a wide range of different things ranging from everything you wanted to know about Final Fantasy 8 on the Playstation to information on Hacking to Codes and Cheats to Cracks and Patches to .................. just about anything. There's just loads of stuff here for everyone, so get looking.

To start off with I have many cheats and codes and for Playstation and PC games, just click on the link and look for yourself.

Next up I have cracks and Patches for Playstation and PC games. I have more info on them in the Cracks and Patches page.

I have a massive range of Emulators and ROMs for the Snes, Nes, Gameboy, Neo Geo Pocket Colour, N64, and Dreamcast consoles...Check it out!!!

I must say that my favorite Playstation game of all time has to be Final Fantasy 8 so I have a massive section with everything that you ever wanted to know about this excellent game, including cheats, walkthroughs, pictures and loads of other stuff too.

For all of you people who are interested in the world of hacking I have Info files and Programs for you to download. Go and see. Lots of Miscellaneous files and info too.

We all love MP3's so it was essential that I put some on here along with the best program to play them on, Sonique. I have quite a few MP3 files for download so go and have a look.

Have you lost or damaged you playstation game cover??? well don't worry as I have just the thing, Playstation covers for many games, if you are missing one then check here.

I couldn't possibly get away with not putting pokemon on here could I??? so on the Pokemon page you will find Heaps of stuff.

On my programs page I have lots of excellent programs for download, just go and see for yourself.

Red Dwarf has to be one of my favorite Television shows of all time. So in the Red Dwarf page you can find the scripts for every episode up to series 7 and lots of other cool stuff.

Before, I mentioned Sonique, I have Lots of skins for sonique and Winamp, some great ones and some Excellent ones. If  you're looking for some try here.

I have recently got the game The Sims and I must say it is totally great so on this page you will find Cheats, Info and downloads.

I don't know about you but I hate Tellytubbies so I have dedicated a page to TellyTubbies being Executed. Go and have a laugh.

Ever wanted to explore the mystical world of Virii??? well now you can in my especially made Virus Page containing too many Virii and some info too!!!

I have added a page about me, my family and my friends so if you are interested in the genius mind that created this website then come and have a look at info and Pictures.

Being English and Male I love football. My favorite team is Newcastle United, I have added a page which is dedicated to them. Have a look at one of the worlds greatest teams.

And of course, the famous links page, It has links to everywhere... well too many places to mention at least. Also included, links to loads of pages on every aspect covered in my site. You must have a look.

One of my all time favorite films has to be The Matrix. In this page you will find a wide variety of things, have a look-see.

I hope that you have enjoyed my site!!, spread the word and please come back anytime as this whole site will be updated regularly.


If you would like to contact me with any queries, ideas, questions or thoughts then e-mail me @


Or my Trusty Associate @
